Josephine is the feminization of Joseph, of Hebrew origin " Yossef" meaning "God will increase" and the English translation of the popular French Joséphine. From France, there is perhaps no Josephine more famous than the Empress Josephine, wife of Napoleon Bonaparte. Josephine is a name for a daughter.
Josephine is the feminization of Joseph, of Hebrew origin " Yossef" meaning "God will increase" and the English translation of the popular French Joséphine. From France, there is perhaps no Josephine more famous than the Empress Josephine, wife of Napoleon Bonaparte. Josephine is a name for a daughter.
Josephine is the feminization of Joseph, of Hebrew origin " Yossef" meaning "God will increase" and the English translation of the popular French Joséphine. From France, there is perhaps no Josephine more famous than the Empress Josephine, wife of Napoleon Bonaparte. Josephine is a name for a daughter.
Josephine is the feminization of Joseph, of Hebrew origin " Yossef" meaning "God will increase" and the English translation of the popular French Joséphine. From France, there is perhaps no Josephine more famous than the Empress Josephine, wife of Napoleon Bonaparte. Josephine is a name for a daughter.