Mila is originated of eastern European Slavic and is a sobriquet of Milena or Milica, meaning "gracious". Mila is also a sobriquent for the Spanish "Milagros" meaning "miracles". Mila has quickly accelerated in popularity in the U.S. and likely influenced by the rising fame of actress Mila Kunis.
Mila is originated of eastern European Slavic and is a sobriquet of Milena or Milica, meaning "gracious". Mila is also a sobriquent for the Spanish "Milagros" meaning "miracles". Mila has quickly accelerated in popularity in the U.S. and likely influenced by the rising fame of actress Mila Kunis.
Mila is originated of eastern European Slavic and is a sobriquet of Milena or Milica, meaning "gracious". Mila is also a sobriquent for the Spanish "Milagros" meaning "miracles". Mila has quickly accelerated in popularity in the U.S. and likely influenced by the rising fame of actress Mila Kunis.
Mila is originated of eastern European Slavic and is a sobriquet of Milena or Milica, meaning "gracious". Mila is also a sobriquent for the Spanish "Milagros" meaning "miracles". Mila has quickly accelerated in popularity in the U.S. and likely influenced by the rising fame of actress Mila Kunis.