The name meaning Jefferson originates of Olde English and specifically means son of Geoffrey. The name meaning of Geoffrey is peaceful place so by extension the name meaning of Jefferson is also peacful place. Jefferson is a relatively modern given name, typically for a son and is an example of a surname evolved to become a given name. Jefferson is not a particularly popular name choice but did gain in popularity during the administration of William Jefferson Clinton.
The name meaning Jefferson originates of Olde English and specifically means son of Geoffrey. The name meaning of Geoffrey is peaceful place so by extension the name meaning of Jefferson is also peacful place. Jefferson is a relatively modern given name, typically for a son and is an example of a surname evolved to become a given name. Jefferson is not a particularly popular name choice but did gain in popularity during the administration of William Jefferson Clinton.
The name meaning Jefferson originates of Olde English and specifically means son of Geoffrey. The name meaning of Geoffrey is peaceful place so by extension the name meaning of Jefferson is also peacful place. Jefferson is a relatively modern given name, typically for a son and is an example of a surname evolved to become a given name. Jefferson is not a particularly popular name choice but did gain in popularity during the administration of William Jefferson Clinton.
The name meaning Jefferson originates of Olde English and specifically means son of Geoffrey. The name meaning of Geoffrey is peaceful place so by extension the name meaning of Jefferson is also peacful place. Jefferson is a relatively modern given name, typically for a son and is an example of a surname evolved to become a given name. Jefferson is not a particularly popular name choice but did gain in popularity during the administration of William Jefferson Clinton.