The feminization of the unisex name Angel, Angela is of Latin origin meaning "a heavenly messenger" or "angel". Popular in North America in the 1960s and 1970s as a name for a girl, it has in recent years been considered dated as newer, hipper variations - such as Angelica and Angelina - have grown in popularity.
The feminization of the unisex name Angel, Angela is of Latin origin meaning "a heavenly messenger" or "angel". Popular in North America in the 1960s and 1970s as a name for a girl, it has in recent years been considered dated as newer, hipper variations - such as Angelica and Angelina - have grown in popularity.
The feminization of the unisex name Angel, Angela is of Latin origin meaning "a heavenly messenger" or "angel". Popular in North America in the 1960s and 1970s as a name for a girl, it has in recent years been considered dated as newer, hipper variations - such as Angelica and Angelina - have grown in popularity.
The feminization of the unisex name Angel, Angela is of Latin origin meaning "a heavenly messenger" or "angel". Popular in North America in the 1960s and 1970s as a name for a girl, it has in recent years been considered dated as newer, hipper variations - such as Angelica and Angelina - have grown in popularity.