Evie is the dimunitive of Eve (Hebrew), derived of Chava meaning "life". In The Bible, Eve, the first woman and wife of Adam was mother to all mankind. This choice of name for a daughter has religious significance in Judeo/Christian/Muslim traditions. Its use as a first name in England began in the 12th century.
Evie is the dimunitive of Eve (Hebrew), derived of Chava meaning "life". In The Bible, Eve, the first woman and wife of Adam was mother to all mankind. This choice of name for a daughter has religious significance in Judeo/Christian/Muslim traditions. Its use as a first name in England began in the 12th century.
Evie is the dimunitive of Eve (Hebrew), derived of Chava meaning "life". In The Bible, Eve, the first woman and wife of Adam was mother to all mankind. This choice of name for a daughter has religious significance in Judeo/Christian/Muslim traditions. Its use as a first name in England began in the 12th century.
Evie is the dimunitive of Eve (Hebrew), derived of Chava meaning "life". In The Bible, Eve, the first woman and wife of Adam was mother to all mankind. This choice of name for a daughter has religious significance in Judeo/Christian/Muslim traditions. Its use as a first name in England began in the 12th century.