Two of the twelve apostles were named Simon: Simon the Zealot and Simon Peter making its origins Hebrew. The etymology derives of "Shim'on" meaning "listening". In both the Old and New Testaments, the name Simon is borne by several figures. A common name for a boy, Simon has prevailed since the Middle Ages.
Two of the twelve apostles were named Simon: Simon the Zealot and Simon Peter making its origins Hebrew. The etymology derives of "Shim'on" meaning "listening". In both the Old and New Testaments, the name Simon is borne by several figures. A common name for a boy, Simon has prevailed since the Middle Ages.
Two of the twelve apostles were named Simon: Simon the Zealot and Simon Peter making its origins Hebrew. The etymology derives of "Shim'on" meaning "listening". In both the Old and New Testaments, the name Simon is borne by several figures. A common name for a boy, Simon has prevailed since the Middle Ages.
Two of the twelve apostles were named Simon: Simon the Zealot and Simon Peter making its origins Hebrew. The etymology derives of "Shim'on" meaning "listening". In both the Old and New Testaments, the name Simon is borne by several figures. A common name for a boy, Simon has prevailed since the Middle Ages.