Miguel originates of Spanish and Portuguese as a translation of Michael which traces its origins back to Hebrew and the Bible meaning "Who is like God?" Typically a name choice for a son, Michael is one the the Seven Archangels, and leader of the armies of heaven.
Miguel originates of Spanish and Portuguese as a translation of Michael which traces its origins back to Hebrew and the Bible meaning "Who is like God?" Typically a name choice for a son, Michael is one the the Seven Archangels, and leader of the armies of heaven.
Miguel originates of Spanish and Portuguese as a translation of Michael which traces its origins back to Hebrew and the Bible meaning "Who is like God?" Typically a name choice for a son, Michael is one the the Seven Archangels, and leader of the armies of heaven.
Miguel originates of Spanish and Portuguese as a translation of Michael which traces its origins back to Hebrew and the Bible meaning "Who is like God?" Typically a name choice for a son, Michael is one the the Seven Archangels, and leader of the armies of heaven.