Jonah is of Hebrew origin and a form of "Yonah" meaning "dove". A biblical name, Jonah was the prophet who was once swallowed by a whale sent by God to spare him from drowning. Jonah would spend three days in the belly of the whale before being regurgitated back onto dry land. A classical, enduring name for a son.
Jonah is of Hebrew origin and a form of "Yonah" meaning "dove". A biblical name, Jonah was the prophet who was once swallowed by a whale sent by God to spare him from drowning. Jonah would spend three days in the belly of the whale before being regurgitated back onto dry land. A classical, enduring name for a son.
Jonah is of Hebrew origin and a form of "Yonah" meaning "dove". A biblical name, Jonah was the prophet who was once swallowed by a whale sent by God to spare him from drowning. Jonah would spend three days in the belly of the whale before being regurgitated back onto dry land. A classical, enduring name for a son.
Jonah is of Hebrew origin and a form of "Yonah" meaning "dove". A biblical name, Jonah was the prophet who was once swallowed by a whale sent by God to spare him from drowning. Jonah would spend three days in the belly of the whale before being regurgitated back onto dry land. A classical, enduring name for a son.